Python for 8086???

Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) tony at
Fri Jan 19 11:41:39 EST 2001

I know I'm going to regret asking this...

OK, folks, don't laugh, but I've just acquired a Toshiba T1000SE (see
the second part of
for a description - basically it's 8086 based, floppy but no hard disk,
some "hard RAM" to work in, decent keyboard, crap screen), which I'm
using until (one day, hah) we can afford a "real" laptop.

Now, of course, once I'd got a version of emacs going on it (yes, I
know - but that's what my fingers can do), my thoughts turned to Python.
I *know* that's daft, *you* know that's daft, but heh, what can I do?

Unfortunately, the machine seems to be just that little bit too, well,
historical. I wondered if 16python (from the DOS downloads) might work,
but that just hangs the machine, so I guess it's not old enough.

So - does anyone have either a Python that *will* work for such a
machine, or any pointers on how I might build one? (and no, I can put up
with an "early" Python, provided it's post 1.0).


Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)
My views! Mine! Mine! (Unless Laser-Scan ask nicely to borrow them.)
[I've read it twice. I've thought it over. I'm sending it anyway.]

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