Python 2 for Debian?

Mark Jackson mjackson at
Wed Feb 28 09:04:21 EST 2001

scarblac at (Remco Gerlich) writes:

> But Python 1.6.1 was released recently, with a GPL compatible license.

Or not.  CNRI concedes that Stallman says "Python 1.6.1 is not
technically GPL-compatible, but unlike Python 1.6, the Python 1.6.1
license allows the creation of GPL-compatible derivative works."  So
things are, as usual, not straightforward.

> It seems to have been met with silence in this newsgroup

Except for Guido's announcement, and his remarks on the prospects for
similar changes to the licenses for 2.x.  See the archives.

Mark Jackson -
	Having your book made into a movie is like having
	your ox made into a bouillon cube.
				- Bill Neely

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