Suffering For Your Art

mkx at mkx at
Fri Feb 23 13:42:00 EST 2001

On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 23:01:37 +1100, "Ben" <bencr at> wrote:

># Just A Quick Observation
>Is it just me or is there a lot of animosity towards Python as a serious
>programming language ...

Only among those who believe that the way they learned to do things,
is the one and only way that things should be done, and the only way
things should ever be done.

Many projects suffer from a lack of progress because of the belief by
many that "the way it has been done is the only way it will be done."

>it seems to be an old school attitude

That some consider a clinical condition.

>that if you do not have to struggle and suffer with an idiosyncratic, unintuitive
>programming syntax then it cannot possibly be a powerful language.

"In my day we walked to school, barefoot, up-hill, in the snow, BOTH

>All these ascetics who would like to see everyone go back to the 'halcyon days' of
>assembly ...

"Real programmers write in binary, but only on punch cards."

>IMHO I think Python is a marvellously eloquant and beautiful
>language because it does not get in the road of programming. It pisses me
>off if I have to consult a tome of a help file/manual to find some obscure
>reference to do something that should have been quite simple ...

Other environments allow the true computer geeks to flex their brain
muscles, in an attempt to impress the intellectually-poor masses.

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