Python + MySQL + qt

Harry George hgg9140 at
Wed Feb 28 16:14:12 EST 2001

jp at (Jacek =?iso-8859-2?Q?Pop=B3awski?=) writes:

> I have a school project: create database and write application which will use
> it (I am not sure what exactly it will do, yet), it should have graphical menu
> and be user friendly. I can choose tool. I am thinking about MySQL or
> Postgresql (probably MySQL) and qt/gtk+ as toolkit (probably qt). 
> I am much more experienced in C than in Python, but I like this language and I
> think it will be next step to learn it more. 
> And now questions:
> - is Python good choice here? what troubles will I have?

Python is an excellent choice.  Python is probably the easy part.

DBMS's can be tricky.  Are you already a DBA or do you already have a
DBMS running (with your database defined and loaded)?  I can give you
some install scripts if you are starting fresh.

Next, you need a DBI 2.0 python binding.  I'm using MySQLdb, and it
works fine.

> - what libraries will I need except pygtk or pyqt?

pygtk, pygnome, pyqt, and pykde are all do-able, and interesting
exercises in their own right.  But if you are on a tight deadline,
consider using cgi's (if you are comfortable with forms).  Also,
python and wxWindows is a nice cros-platform combination.

> - I am programming only in Linux, is it possible to run my application in
>   Windows, without any code fixes? are needed libraries available for Win?

If you use cgi's, you can run of course against a Linux server.  Even
on Windows, the cgi's may be ok without code changes.  Or you can use
wxWindows and be cross-platform.  MySQL and PostgreSQL can also be
served from Linux even if the GUI app is on Windows.  If you must run
fully in Windows, you might have to do odbc to Access or something
like that.

In any case, I'm not aware of any code changes due to different
platforms, but I'm not much of a Windows programmer.

> -- 
> Look all around
> Can't you open your eyes
> Voices are calling                                         "Master of Insanity"
> Killing rain falling down from the sky                      - Ronnie James Dio

Harry George
hgg9140 at

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