1st install on Linux (RH 7.0) I hit a snaggg !!!

Chris Nelson fimafeng at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 20 21:30:19 EST 2001

Hello I've been using BeOpen python on Windows for a while now. I have 
converted one of my home systems over to RedHat 7.0. I installed the 
actual 2.0 rpm just fine. However..when I tried to install 
Tkinter-2.0-8.0-3.i386.rpm I get the following errors

"Tkinter-2.0-8.0-3 requires libtcl8.0.so"
"Tkinter-2.0-8.0-3 requires libtk8.0.so"

I thought that TCL/TK was installed
I show the following RPMs as beeing installed...
tksysv 1.3-2
tcl 8.3.1-46
tcl 8.2.0-46
tk  8.3.1-46
tkinter 1.5.2-27
BeOpenPython 2.0

What am I missing?

Also...How do I access the IDLE in Linux??

Many thanks,

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