What to do after Python?

Kenneth Loafman ken at lt.com
Mon Feb 19 13:47:26 EST 2001

Alex Martelli wrote:
> At some point in time, MS also supported (indirectly, through another
> smaller company -- "Mainsoft", perhaps?) an MFC version that also made
> it possible (if not "easy") to port MFC applications from Win/MSVC++
> directly to Unix/proprietary C++ compilers of various Unix box suppliers
> (HP, IBM, Dec, and Sun, at least; those were the ones we tried -- and
> that's when I learned that Microsoft's C++ was *MUCH* cleaner, and far
> closer to the standard, than _many_ other proprietary C++ compilers by
> various other operating system vendors -- before then, the only C++
> compiler I had used on Unix and Unix-like boxes was gcc, but that was
> not supported by 'mainsoft' [if that's the right name]).

Thanks for the info.  I guess it was just hard to find info on std::, or
at least not obvious.  Never saw M$ examples that mentioned them.  All
examples were based on M$ classes, so I guess that's where I got that

The rule in my shop now is two part:
  1) throw away the vendors manuals
  2) use only ANSI standard constructs

This solves the problem (for the most part) of programming to some
construct that's unique to the vendor, and with a few additions, such as
named integral types instead of int, char, short, long, etc, you can
solve a lot of the general porting problem.

A lot of that goes away with Python.


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