CPAN functionality for python

Oleg Broytmann phd at
Tue Feb 13 11:50:25 EST 2001

On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, Jeremy Hylton wrote:
> I think you skipped my very first suggestion -- to use some simple
> data format to support exchange between a Zope-based solution and
> other solutions.

   Ok, so we should create formats and protocols and reference
implementations. Zope can be use for one of such reference implementations,
but we must have other implementations as well.

>   OB> Please count current mirrors of CPAN. The figure looks good,
>   OB> isn't it? This is because there are sites that provide FTP
>   OB> mirrors.
> The CPAN mirrors provide access to the actual libraries, right?  That
> is, you can download from any CPAN mirror.  I'm not clear on
> whether the application being proposed for Python has only the catalog
> information or also the actual data.  If the latter, then an FTP
> mirror doesn't buy you much.

   But I certainly think of real FTP mirrors, not only catalogs. I hate
perl, and avoid it as much as possible. But even for me there is one good
thing about perl - and it is exactly CPAN. The process of
   perl -MCPAN -e "install mod_perl;"
is simply the best! Python really need such thing. With all goodies about
local/nearest mirror, "make", "make test" and "make install"!

PS. When I first ran "perl -MCPAN" it started to configure itself, and it
asked lots of questions to find nearest mirror. The first question was
"Please select your nearest continent or a list of continetens" :)))
Tthanks goodnes, not "a list of nearest planets" or "galaxies" :)))

     Oleg Broytmann              phd at
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

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