Four problems with Gordon McMillan's Installer

Gordon Williams g_will at
Fri Feb 2 01:18:05 EST 2001

Hi All,

I'm having big problems with Gordon  McMillan installer (3i) to make a
standalone package.  I'm trying to put together a package using wxPython
2.2.2, Python 2. under W95.  I have used earlier versions of the installer,
but this is the first time for 3i.  Here is what is happening:

1) Minor problem is that "wxPython.wxc.pyd" is in the standalone directory
but it should be named "wxc.pyd".

2) wx22_2.dll is not found so I am putting it in under "misc".  This is the
notice that I am getting (whatever found and not found means):
analyzing multiarray
 found python20.dll
 found MSVCRT.dll
 found KERNEL32.dll
analyzing wxPython.wxc
 found wx22_2.dll
 lib not found: wx22_2.dll
 found python20.dll
 found MSVCRT.dll
analyzing _numpy
 found python20.dll
 found MSVCRT.dll
 found KERNEL32.dll

3) I'm getting notices about fixcase for all the files that it is
recompiling.  The names before and after are the same!!

Creating BS_Main06B.pyz
 name before fixcase e:\program files\python\lib\
 name after fixcase e:\program files\python\lib\

4) This is the major problem.  It is not finding the standard time module.
I am importing time into a number of modules and it cant find it all the
time.  If I move the import statement up or down a few lines it sometimes
fixes the problem, only to appear in another module.  Here is what I am
getting during a run of the standalone.  I cant see anything in the .log
file or the screen output during the build process.

 File "e:\program files\python\lib\", line 252, in _import_one
    module = self._process_result(result, fqname)
  File "e:\program files\python\lib\", line 281, in
    exec code in module.__dict__
  File "e:\program files\python\junk_files\", line 1, in ?
    import threading, time, Registers, DataSep
  File "e:\program files\python\lib\", line 88, in _import_hook
    top_module = self._import_top_module(parts[0])
  File "e:\program files\python\lib\", line 170, in

    module = item.import_top(name)
  File "e:\program files\python\lib\", line 197, in import_top
    return self._import_one(None, name, name)
  File "e:\program files\python\lib\", line 252, in _import_one
    module = self._process_result(result, fqname)
  File "e:\program files\python\lib\", line 281, in
    exec code in module.__dict__
  File "e:\program files\python\lib\", line 4, in ?
    import time
  File "e:\program files\python\lib\", line 91, in _import_hook
    raise ImportError, 'No module named ' + fqname
ImportError: No module named time

I have a web bookmark to Gordon's installer pages that are out of date as
they lead me to version 3f with no indication that there is a new installer
3i available.  Maybe these old pages could be deleted so others are not also

Needless to say I'm going crazy.  Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

Gordon Williams

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