ANN: ciphon 0.3.4

Suchandra Thapa ssthapa at
Tue Dec 18 11:45:19 EST 2001

    I've uploaded a new version of ciphon to and to 
anonymous ftp at  The recent changes to ciphon

Ciphon now supports distutils so it can be updated from within itself.
Packages that ciphon installs are now recorded so that they won't have to
  be downloaded again if they are a dependency.
RPM should now work for modules that support the bdist_rpm option of distutils

There were a few other minor changes but these are the biggest ones.  

Suchandra Thapa                       | "There are only two kinds of math . 
s-thapa-11 at  | books. Those you cannot read beyond 
			              | the first sentence, and those you 
			              | can not read beyond the first page."
			              |                     -C.N. Yang

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