Fate of win32all?

Don Tuttle tuttledon at mailandnews.com
Sat Dec 22 14:43:08 EST 2001

Thanks Mark!  The simple truth is that you're the reason I use Python today.
If you hadn't developed Pythonwin and the Win32 extension I'd still only be
using WinBatch and a little Perl.  Neither of which would have caused me to
think about a possible career in programming the way Python has. So I owe
ya. (And maybe on some days blame you ;-)

In a way, I'm glade to see you leave ActiveState.  Although the timing
sucks.  (My wife once working for a company that let many people go on
Christmas Eve just to avoid shelling out holiday pay.)

I've never been completely comfortable with their involment with the open
source community.  They do, after all, owe their very existence to
Microsoft.  And I think Dick Hart is much more in tune with Microsoft's
dominion theology than say Dave Roth is.

So, it  now appears ActiveState has decided they can't Profit from Python
like they have Perl and are going to take their little ball-y and go play in
more capitalistically exploitable fields. Oh well. Shit happens.  But then
again, maybe now it will be less likely to happen to Python.

Here's hoping you get a great paying job that allows you to spend part of
your PAID time in Python development!!!

Don Tuttle

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