Python CPAN beta test

Fernando Pérez fperez528 at
Wed Dec 12 13:27:13 EST 2001

Suchandra Thapa wrote:

>     I've gotten ciphon to the point where I tihnk it's ready for beta
> testing and am looking for people willing to help test it.  Currently

BRAVO! Once my IPython project is distutils-ready I'll send it in, but in the 
meantime I'd like to congratulate you. I really hope this makes it through. 
Despite the non-believers I still think this is great.

Parnassus is very nice, but you often hit dead links, the interface isn't the 
most pleasant, and above all, it's not automated. A system which allows a 
remote retrieval interface is key. Once that's in place, it's trivial to 
write either command-line or gui tools to talk to it, install things, etc.

I think of the Vaults as a 'pre-filtered google for python', while a 
Cpan-like tool is a completely different (and altogether far more useful) 

So congrats, and good luck!



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