Python CPAN beta test

Suchandra Thapa ssthapa at
Thu Dec 13 19:45:04 EST 2001

    I've gotten ciphon to the point where I tihnk it's ready for beta 
testing and am looking for people willing to help test it.  Currently
ciphon has readline support, dependency handling, automatic updates
of server and package lists and a few other things.  There are
currently 5 packages in the repository (wxpython, pygresql, numeric, 
pil, and egenix-mx-base) but I'll be adding more.
    Basically, if you would like to beta test ciphon you can get the
latest release by anonymous ftp from (thanks
to Sean Reifschneider) in  /pub/python-packages.  If there are any modules 
you would like to get into the repository then email me a link to the 
module's homepage and I'll try to add it to the repository.
    If you're an author and want to help me in getting your module 
included in the repository, then you can just grab the ciphon tar ball, 
run the script in the utils directory, and email me the 
generated file along with a location where I can get the source for
your module.  

Suchandra Thapa                       | "There are only two kinds of math . 
s-thapa-11 at  | books. Those you cannot read beyond 
			              | the first sentence, and those you 
			              | can not read beyond the first page."
			              |                     -C.N. Yang

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