Deposing Dictactors

Arthur Siegel ajs at
Tue Aug 14 08:59:58 EDT 2001

Courageous writes -

>After considering the issue of "who owns Python" for a year or so,
>I've come to the conclusion that the people writing the Python
>interpreter do. This is an open source effort, with many of the
>programmers who are working on it donating their time for free.
>If this group of programmers wants to add to or strip from Python
>a whirly-gig, then so be it. It's THEIR language. THEIR scarce
>and valuable free time. THEIR blood sweat and tears, THEIR
>intellectual capital.

Was there a vote- about which I have not been made aware - among 
THEM on, for example, the acceptance of PEP238.  

I thought we all agreed and accepted that is not how things are 
supposed to work for Python. And that its quite for the good.


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