distributing python programs to non-geeks

Simon Brunning SBrunning at trisystems.co.uk
Thu Aug 16 06:06:45 EDT 2001

> From:	nivelnospamotri at yahoo.com [SMTP:nivelnospamotri at yahoo.com]
> I've got some python and ruby scripts that some people have expressed
> an interest in being able to run, but most get scared away by having
> to go to install python/ruby, set up a directory for the scripts, etc.
>  (All are using some flavor of Windows.)
> What would be ideal would be a way of generating a Windows installer
> for a python/ruby script, complete with an icon that can go on the
> desktop or in the start menu.  You would download the installer, run
> it, then double-click on the icon it generates, and it would run just
> like any other executable.  Obviously the installer would have to
> install python/ruby if it isn't there, and the icon would really fire
> up python/ruby with the arguments pointing to the script, etc., but
> all of this could be transparent to the user, so that it looks like
> any other installer and executable.
I don't know about the Ruby side, but on the Python side, a combination of
py2exe (<http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/py2exe/>) and Inno Setup
(<http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.htm>) does the job for me.

Simon Brunning
TriSystems Ltd.
sbrunning at trisystems.co.uk

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