Hello people. I have some questions

Radovan Garabik spam at melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk
Tue Aug 28 15:30:34 EDT 2001

jeroen paul goudsmit <diedanootdie at danoot.com> wrote:
 : Hello people

 : I've heard about python and i thought that it coulb be a nice language for
 : me to use. is it true that it can be used in every O.S.?

Certainly not. I have yet to see python port for TOPS-10 :-) 

 : I'm programming in vb now, and i'd like to know if python looks a little
 : like it. If someone knows vb, can he translate this vb sentice into a python
 : sentice: naam =   inputbox ("What's your name?", vbokonly, "Hekllo")
That depends on GUI toolkit you want to use. Unlike vb, you can choose
from more of them, e.g. in tkinter it would be (more or less, if I
understand your vb example correctly):

naam=tkSimpleDialog.askstring( title="Hello",
                               prompt="Hoe heet je?")
 : Is python hard to learn? 

not at all
Though, as you are getting deeper and deeper, some things
will surprise you a bit - but nothing too serious.
 : And is there a dutch person in this group? 

You bet! the great Guido himself :-)
You did not know that python was meant to be a tool to
achieve dutch world supremacy? :-)
 : If there is one, can he/she tell me if there any dutch books about python.

Probably they can... 

 : Could you please answer my questions?

 : Thanks.
You are welcome.

| Radovan Garabik  http://melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk/~garabik |
| __..--^^^--..__         garabik @ fmph . uniba . sk       |
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