Hello people. I have some questions

jeroen paul goudsmit diedanootdie at danoot.com
Tue Aug 28 13:46:00 EDT 2001

Hello people

I've heard about python and i thought that it coulb be a nice language for
me to use. is it true that it can be used in every O.S.?
I'm programming in vb now, and i'd like to know if python looks a little
like it. If someone knows vb, can he translate this vb sentice into a python
sentice: naam =   inputbox ("What's your name?", vbokonly, "Hekllo")
Is python hard to learn? And is there a dutch person in this group? If there
is one, can he/she tell me if there any dutch books about python.
Could you please answer my questions? Thanks.



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