python-dev summary, July 16-31

Andrew Kuchling akuchlin at
Tue Aug 7 16:17:11 EDT 2001

Carel Fellinger <cfelling at> writes:
> Thanks for making such nice overviews, I always check them out to see

You're welcome.

> of in, the __contains__() version and the next() one.  The fact that
> "key in dict" is now equivalent to "dict.has_key(key)" has nothing to
> do with the iterability of dicts, at least that's what I've understood
> sofar.

You're quite correct that they're not really related; either change
could have been made independently of the other.  It just seemed
clearest to cheat a bit and mention the 'X in dict' change at that
point.  Otherwise the only reasonable place to describe it would have
been down in the "Other Changes and Fixes" section, and I'm not sure
many people actually bother to read that far, as most of the items in
that section are pretty esoteric.


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