Linking Dictionary Values

Jeff Shannon jeff at
Fri Aug 24 14:49:16 EDT 2001

"Maan M. Hamze" wrote:

> Is it possible to link Dictionary values of each key into a text file?  So
> the value of a key is a text file somewhere on the PC.  And if so, how do I
> instruct Python to open the text file and print into screen when the key of
> the text file is used?
> Also, is it possible to link a value of a Dictionary key into a Python
> function/procedure?  So, if the key is encountered, a way for the
> functionprocedure to be run.
> Maan

First case:

class FileDict:
    def __init__(self):
        self.files = {}
    def AddFile(self, key, filename)
        self.files[key] = filename
    def GetFile(self, key):
            fp = open(self.files[key], 'r')
        except KeyError:
            print "Error!  No such file registered!"
            return None
        text =
        return text

Of course, you might want to add some code to verify that the filename you're
being fed exists, is a valid (fully qualified) path, etc, etc...

Second case:

def test1():
    print "Testing!"
def test2():
    print "But I don't like spam!"

FuncDict = { "first" : test1, "second" : test2 }

>>> FuncDict['first']()
>>> FuncDict['second']()
But I don't like spam!

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