newbie question

Rob Andrews rob at
Wed Aug 22 19:47:57 EDT 2001

George Garnett wrote:
> I'm not a python programmer, but I have evaluated the language relative to
> java (yes, I'm a java programmer, and you can assume my opinion on python is
> suspect). No doubt I'm about to be beat up by all your phyton programmers
> for this, but I'm a glutton for punishment. Please, no four letter words or
> verbal attacks about my mother.  Here goes:
<snip />
> Python has been re-written into jpython in which the language closely
> parallels the java language. The main difference is java enforces strong
> type casting (which is good), where jpython does not (its a gimmick to not
> scare off non professional programmers who don't want to take the time to
> verify every line of code is type casted correctly (this is the part where
> I'll get beat up on) ). JPython is billed as a browser side scripting
> language that complements java. This I believe is true. However, java's JSP
> technology came out and I believe jpython's days are numbered (then again,
> considering how quickly technology changes, everything's day's are
> numbered!). JPython is Python's attempt to hold onto all its python
> developers and will provide them with a transition path to java (this is the
> part where I'll get beat up on too) as an alternative to JSP and javascript.
> If you don't already know python, I suggest you jump directly into
> Microsoft's '.net' technology, or java/JSP and skip jpython. The market will
> be split between these two powerhouses for the next 5 years or so. Either
> way, an immediate job isn't likely in these until you come up to speed
> (about a year or two), or until the economy picks up (in about 12 months).

I'm not sure why you expect to be beaten. ;-) It seems to be a real
concern for you. (I see this a lot in people overly abused by curly
braces.) But aside from curiosity about this, I wonder most if your
ideas regarding JPython as you state them here are supposed to apply to
Jython ( as well.

<snip />

What? Me Useless?
Useless Python!

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