Win95: "Corrupt intallation detected." - cause known, solution needed

Tim Peters at
Mon Aug 27 16:13:31 EDT 2001

[Bengt Richter]
> It wouldn't be that hard to gin up a little stand-alone .exe to do
> what does.

> Thinking-cap time:  the problem doesn't come up at all unless
> they're having trouble downloading .exe files.

> 01-04-17  20:17  6,272,831 D:\Python\Python-2_1.exe   (my last download)
> 00-07-17  15:45     32,768 C:\UTIL\lsm.exe            (my ls md5 utility)
> if p() is probabability of download error for n bytes (even on
> the same day ;-),
> what is p(6,272,831):p(32,768) ?
> Not good enough odds? Or were you thinking of the subset of
> problems unaffected by byte length (yet perhaps checkable with a
>length number) ?

p is usually so close to 0 or 1 that you can't tell the difference, and is
the latter when they're managing to use a download method that
systematically corrupts LF bytes into CRLF pairs on Windows -- or vice
versa.  Both change length.

Keep the context in mind!  This is Windows, so that particular form of
download problem is depressingly common, and these are generally newbies.
"MD5" doesn't mean anything to them.  I've "dealt with" hundreds of these

If you want to make a standalone .exe available, that's great, and I'll
gladly refer non-newbies to it the next time there's a downloading problem
nobody can figure out (so please post a URL).  The length check almost
always settles it, though; switching to a different download method then
almost always solves it; and I never see such reports from non-Windows

    "newbie"-and-"windows"-ly y'rs  - tim

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