PyGTK/PyGNOME questions

Skip Montanaro skip at
Sun Aug 5 12:41:58 EDT 2001

    Robert> Howdy, all.  I'm a long-time C/C++ programmer, still fairly new
    Robert> to Python.  I've got some code I've written using the
    Robert> PyGTK/PyGNOME bindings, and while they're reasonably
    Robert> straightforward, I have some questions.  Namely, once I use the
    Robert> create_toolbar or create_menus methods, how do I get a reference
    Robert> back to an individual button so that I can manipulate it later?

I'm not sure, since my PyGtk experience hasn't gotten that far.  My first
guess would be that if Gtk doesn't provide explicit functions to extract
particular child widgets that you'll have to muck around in the output of
the containers' children() methods.  I suspect you're more likely to get a
useful answer from the pygtk at mailing list, however.

Skip Montanaro (skip at

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