Windows Win32 API Interface?

Alan Miller ajm at
Thu Apr 12 17:32:52 EDT 2001

jason petrone (jp at wrote:
>However, my problem is that I don't know that much about MFC/COM/ETC
>programming, and I have a hard time learning it in python, because there is
>little documentation.  I almost bought Mark Hammond & Andy Robinson's book,
>but it seemed to be more about python than win32.  It didn't really explain
>the basics of windows programming.

Hm.  I'm going to guess that you've already decided on how you want to 
implement something ("I'll use the x, y and z APIs on Win32") and aren't 
looking at _what_ you want to do.

Consider taking a step back and determining what it is that you want your 
program to do, _then_ consider how you want to do it.  You may find that 
you're limiting yourself to the Win32 API and platforms when you really 
don't need to.


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