do...until wisdom found...

Dale Strickland-Clark dale at
Tue Apr 17 10:28:54 EDT 2001

"Ken Peek" <Peek at LVCM.comNOSPAM> wrote:

>Can anybody think of a good name for a "Python-like" new language for small
>embedded processors?
>Let's see-- "tinyPython"?  nope-- has "Python" in it-- might make Guido mad.
>Hmmm, maybe "Dragon"?  Probably used by someone else?  Hmmm... maybe ???
>Any ideas?

How about, for "execute at least once":

	WHILE condition

	UNTIL condition

DO doesn't imply repition and only seems to have appeared to help parsers find the start of a block.

If the WHILE/UNTIL clause is missing, the loop must be terminated by a BREAK or other means.

Furthermore, while we're on the subject, I prefer:

WHILE condition:

UNTIL condition:

Python-like syntax with the colon at the start of a block avoids the ambiguity you might otherwise
produce with the same keyword being used at the start or end of a loop.

The REPEAT clause could be optional here so the WHILE is as in Python now. 

I think WHILE and UNTIL should always both be available.

WHILE 1 is ugly and implies that a pointless test being made - although one hopes this is optimised

As for a name, how about Monty? If you later produce an expanded syntax you could call that the Full

Dale Strickland-Clark
Out-Think Ltd
Business Technology Consultants

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