[ANN] odr 0.5.1 -- Orthogonal Distance Regression (repackaging)

Robert Kern kern at myrddin.caltech.edu
Mon Apr 9 21:18:41 EDT 2001

Well, my original Win32 binary package was mislabeled as being for Python 2.0
when it was compiled against 1.5.2 .

I now have re-locatable binaries for both 1.5.2 and 2.0 (correctly labelled, 
to boot). I have also changed the setup.py to provide more meta-info. This
may require a recent Distutils. You can comment out some of the meta-info
if it causes problems.

There is no new functionality or bugs fixed: if the old packages work for you,
there is no need to upgrade. If something still doesn't work, I'd like to hear
about it.


Robert Kern
kern at caltech.edu

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter

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