Anyone able to compare the commercial IDEs available?

Neil Hodgson nhodgson at
Wed Apr 18 17:51:49 EDT 2001

Dave LeBlanc:
> As for the "Microsoft Visual Studio" IDE - it is crude, arrogant
> (Making or disposed to make claims to unwarranted importance or
> consideration out of overbearing pride.), indiffferently documented,
> poor in quality and generally makes doing almost anything far harder
> then it needs to be. OTOH, the compiler isn't bad - if you don't mind
> avalances of meaningless error messages in response to trivial errors.
> It also suffers to a far, far worse degree then Codewright with major
> prices for relatively minor to non-existant improvements aside from UI
> thrashing.

  Visual Studio is still the only debugger I can trust. It works. It
integrates with great tools like BoundsChecker. It works on enormous
projects like Mozilla - just try loading a full debug version of Mozilla
into gdb :( If only Microsoft made a version for Linux, I'd be able to debug


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