OT MactiveX [was: Python & TKInter applets]

"Jürgen A. Erhard" juergen.erhard at gmx.net
Wed Apr 18 00:00:53 EDT 2001

>>>>> "Steven" == Steven D Majewski <sdm7g at Virginia.EDU> writes:

    Steven>  DR4 was released on Microsoft's web site.

    Steven>  DR4 was quietly removed from Microsoft's web site.

    Steven>  [...]

    Steven>  There was no DR4 release and all of the documentation and
    Steven>  earlier releases soon disappeared without a trace from MS
    Steven>  web site.

Hmmm, seems the Ministry of Truth has done a mighty fine job... since
even you, Steve, *now* say there was no DR4 release though above you
said there *was*.

"disappeared without a trace"... yes, it seems George was just off by
about 10-15 years. :-/

    Steven> Please forgive this long off topic rant, but Neil's post
    Steven> brought up some bad and angry memories!

Thank you for ranting... I like knowing such tidbits.  All
argumentative ammunition is welcome ;-)

Bye, J

PS: BTW, this reminds me of the tales of OpenSTEP's (or OpenStep
or... heck) death a while ago...

Jürgen A. Erhard    juergen.erhard at gmx.net   phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
          My WebHome: http://members.tripod.com/Juergen_Erhard
  "First there was nothing, and God created the light.  Now there was
 light, and there was still nothing, but you could see it."  -- Guy Sie
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