ANNOUNCE: python-win32 mailing list

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore at
Tue Apr 3 09:53:37 EDT 2001

From: Itamar Shtull-Trauring [mailto:itamar at]
> It's not that I feel I can't ask questions here, it's that 
> the traffic here is overwhelming, and I feel there exists
> a need for smaller forums on specific issues. Python is
> just too big to discuss everything in one list or
> newsgroup. That's why there is an XML-SIG mailing list, and a 
> python-crypto mailing list, etc..

Fair enough. If that is the case, then a Python-Windows SIG would be a
better option, as it fits the existing infrastructure. Yahoo is a dreadful
host for mailing lists IMHO - Egroups wan't wonderful, and Yahoo has made it
worse. There are no decent archives (and what there are are not
downloadable, and IIRC aren't even searchable), you have to register (and
provide a lot of personal info) to participate. I'm pretty close to
boycotting Yahoo, myself - there are a couple of lists I value still hosted
there, so I can't quite do so yet.


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