[ANNOUNCE] Umbra role-playing game 0.2 pre-alpha

Steve Holden sholden at holdenweb.com
Fri Apr 20 10:32:15 EDT 2001

"Terry Reedy" <tjreedy at udel.edu> wrote in message
news:9boeru$ej9$1 at news.udel.edu...
> >I loathe and despise the communist types like St*llm*n who
> > want to prevent anyone from owning their own software.
> Have you actually *read* Stallman's own (philosophical) writings?  (As
> opposed to charicatures by others, such as yours)?   For a programmer to
> 'own his/her own software' means, in practical terms, to be able to
> it under exactly the license terms he/she wants, and have those terms
> respected/enforced.  That is what he and collaborators have done with the
> GPL license and what you have done with yours.  Based on my reading of his
> writings, I believe he would respect your right to do as you have done as
> long as you have not used FSF software and violated its license  -- in
> which case he would get cranky just as you promised you would in similar
> circumstances.  In other words, he insists on owning his software (and
> getscriticized for so doing) and I believe would respect that you own
> yours, which is the opposite of what you attribute to him.  The term
> 'communist' should better be applied to people who want to take and use
> software without paying the price demanded (ie, source-code distribution
> under the conditions specified).
Actually, I think I'd call them pirates, or possibly (if licenses cost
money), thieves.

communists-would-want-to-benefit-the-community-ly y'rs  - SteVe

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