Type Object of wxPython Control

Vadim Zeitlin zeitlin at seth.lpthe.jussieu.fr
Fri Apr 27 15:29:31 EDT 2001

On Tue, 24 Apr 2001 13:24:52 -0700, Robin Dunn <robin at stop.spam.alldunn.com> wrote:
>Well since it's Python you can assign any attribute you like into the
>objects, but you are probably asking about values that are still accessible
>after the object has gone through C++ and back out as with GetChildren or
>FindWindow, right?  If so then the answer is no

 Robin, sorry if I'm going to say something stupid, but wouldn't it be
possible to use the client data somehow for this purpose?

GCS/GM d? H+ s++:-- p2 au--- a- w+ v C+++ UBLS+++ P- L++ N++ E--- W++++ M? V--
-po+ R++ G`` !tv b+++ D--- e++++ u++ h--- f+ r++ n- y?

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