Ann: ActivePython 2.1 (build 210)

Paul Prescod paulp at
Thu Apr 19 20:11:02 EDT 2001

[mailed and posted]
haaserd wrote:
> I am confused about the different Python distributions and how they fit (or
> don't fit) together.  I have been using BeOPen Python 2.0 for awhile and
> recently downloaded ActiveState Komodo.  Komodo seems to come with it's own
> Python 2.0, but doesn't appear to have the doc folder or Idle (I am a
> Windows user).

Komodo has a Python built-in. It isn't meant to be directly used. It is
just necessary to get Komodo to run because Komodo has a lot of Python
code in it.

> Even more confusing, Komodo appears to be using the BeOpen Python because I
> added PIL to it.  I haven't located PIL in Komodo's Python, but I can access
> the PIL module.

Internally, Komodo uses its own Python. When you run your script, Komodo
uses your "system Python". So you could install a Python 1.5 or 2.1 and
Komodo would work with it even though Komodo itself uses Python 2.0
internally. Komodo's Python is just a component it uses -- it isn't
exposed to end users. Pretend it isn't there.

> And most recently, I have just started tinkering with Zope, which appears to
> have its own Python 1.5.

Many large applications will ship their own Pythons to avoid
accidentally picking up a wrong-versioned Python, or a Python with a
weird extension etc. Komodo and Zope are two examples.

> So how does ActivePython fit into this scheme?  Will I be able to eliminate
> the BeOpen and the Komodo Pythons (and continue to use Komodo and Idle)?

BeOpen Python is a standalone Python distribution so you could install
ActivePython over it without losing anything. Zope and Komodo ship
internal Pythons for a reason and you should not replace them. As I
said, the bundled Python in Komodo is just a component that should be
invisible to end-users. Maybe next time we'll call it nohtyP.exe .
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