ANN: plpython - python integration with postgresql RDBMS

Christopher Lee clee at
Thu Apr 12 10:46:46 EDT 2001


Andrew Bosma is working on integrating python with postgresql in order to
allow the use of python as a built-in procedural language for database
functions as you would with PL/pgSQL.  It's a work-in-progress but it looks
pretty cool and he's looking for feedback.  Source is available from  I would say these are "developer" releases:
compilation is a little tricky and may require that you build postgresql
7.1RC1 yourself.


To elaborate, plpython allows you to embed python into functions using the

CREATE FUNCTION <function_name>(..) RETURNS <return_type> AS
<insert arbitrary python code>
LANGUAGE 'plpython'

For example, if you have a database which needs to maintain hashes of email
messages you might create a function like this:

CREATE FUNCTION handle_digest(text) RETURNS text
'import sha
digest =[0])
return digest.hexdigest()' LANGUAGE 'plpython';

You could then create a trigger that called this function to update the
hash using the CREATE TRIGGER.

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