editing in Unicode

Bertilo Wennergren bertilow at hem.passagen.se
Fri Sep 8 06:15:58 EDT 2000

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk:

> Since UTF-16 is not compatible with ASCII, it does not make much
> sense to have just a string encoded in UTF-16 and the rest of code in

I agree.
> IMHO there should be a way of specifying the encoding of the source
> in the source, and they should be only ASCII-compatible encodings.

Yes, normally it would not be possible to specify the encoding inside
the file itself, since it would be impossible to even read that info
without having already made an assumption about the encoding. But if
you limit the choices to ASCII-compatible encodings (and use ASCII
only in the part that specifies the encoding) it could work.

Could anyone anywhere be using EBCDIC for writing Python code?
UTF-16 would be a less improbable alternative, I suppose. Can
Python code be written in UTF-16 (the entire code)? If yes, how
would text strings (byte strings), and their various encodings

                         Bertilo Wennergren
                     <bertilow at hem.passagen.se>

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