Python 2.0b1 is released!

Bristol bristol at
Tue Sep 12 16:26:33 EDT 2000

Charles Hixson wrote:
> A program written in a language isn't a derived work.  A
> new version of the language is.  IANAL.  [...]  I don't
> know what the answer is or should be.

I wonder if languages that impose a strictly separate spec of
interface and implementation would ultimately obtain a legal
advantage in the logic of that battle (in the sense FI that
a language in Python's present situation would then be able
to fight the problem by securing the easier legal claim to its
right to self-organize its right to collect alternate implementations
of "release deltas" large enough to counterweight and compensate
or nullify "licence deltas"... (my, this starts looking like
non-commutative geometry ;-))

I believe there is a very subtle moral and legal point in the
middle of it that links to the underlying logic of the very words
of the american declaration of independance where it mentions the
"pursuit of happiness" third of initial inalienable rights ;-))

-- B.

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