ICQ messages in Python

Oleg Broytmann phd at phd.russ.ru
Mon Sep 4 10:24:10 EDT 2000


   I have no position on this 'cause I don't need to do any ICQ-based work.
You are free to choose any way you think apropriate. The only thing I
certainly don't want to see is your announce of resignation :) So please
write and publish.

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Ulf Engstrom wrote:
> This might be true, and just tell me if you all agree. But I've seen and
> heard a few people trying to do different things with the icq-protocol, both
> in Python and in other languages, but they have a hard time getting into any
> of the projects around because it's not their language (I've found
> implementations in C/C++,Perl and Delphi) and/or because the projects most
> often are huge with too little documentation and too little freedom.
> Having all this in Python would at least make it easier for Python-people to
> use it, and I believe Python to be the better language (of course;)
> And of course we're taking parts from a lot of what's out there already not
> to have to type everything, but we want to have it a proper Python-program,
> not a translated C-program or something like that.
> But that's just me and my friends opinon, if noone's interested, so be it.
> We are ;)
> Ulf
> >    I think the best method would be to not to reinvent the wheel, but to
> > use some existing ICQ library and wrap it for using in python.

     Oleg Broytmann            http://phd.pp.ru/            phd at phd.pp.ru
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

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