No Python 2.0 (was Re: idiom for initial list of lists)

Tim Peters tim_one at
Sat Sep 9 21:23:43 EDT 2000

[Aahz, worried that info about 2.0 will explode peoples' heads]

[Dan Schmidt, defends himself as if he had been attacked <wink>]

[Aahz, likens giving unsolicited info about future releases
 to cruelty]

[John Baxter, widens the scope of concern]
> A third side of the coin is that the messages are archived, and should
> be disclaimed not only that Python 2.0 isn't shipping yet, but that the
> details *could* (probably won't, except for the details which turn out
> to be bugs) change.  Else people may see the message in the 2.0
> time-frame and run into something that in fact doesn't work in the final
> 2.0.
> It would help if questions were posed like "we'll be shipping this for
> Python 1.5.2 and how...?" or "this is for use/shipment well after 2.0
> final ships, so an answer for 2.0 would be great if there is something
> better in that release for this problem...", or something mushier and in
> between.

Whatta buncha worryworts.  Hey, this is Usenet!  People don't know what
they're asking, the people with time to answer try to touch on all possibly
intended questions, half the time the original questioner picks some
unlikely guess out of the middle and says "ya, that's it! why did you bother
me with all that other crap?", and nothing is written for the ages.  More,
not a bit of that is ever going to change.  It's great!  Serendipity.

    y'rs  - tim

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