import x as y

Thomas Bellman bellman at
Tue Oct 31 16:54:35 EST 2000

grante at (Grant Edwards) writes:

> In article <mVEL5.145182$g6.66741488 at>, Rainer Deyke wrote:

>> On a related note, I want the following to work:
>> l = [0]
>> def l[0]():
>>   pass

> Well, it doesn't.

> Perhaps you can explain a little further _why_ you want that to
> work and perhaps we can suggest an alternative means to that end.

I'm not Rainer Deyke, but I can at least think of situations
where that would be convenient.  If you are making a table of
functions, you have to do:

    def f0(...):
    def f1(...):
    def f4711(...):

    table = [ f0, f1, ..., f4711 ]

Instead, you could do:

    def table[0](...):
    def table[1](...):
    def table[4711](...):

Another similar situation would be to add methods to a class
after it is definied:

    class C:
	def m1(self, ...):

    def C.m2(self, ...):

That one is probably not very useful in "real" use, but when
running Python interactively and testing things, it has happened
that I found out that I wanted to add or replace methods in my
classes after they are created.  I then have to do

    >>> def m2(self, ...):
    ...     ...
    >>> C.m2 = m2

On a related note, one thing I sometimes would like to do, is to
change the "active" module in interactive mode from __main__ to
some other module, for the same reasons.  I.e, I have imported a
module, and for testing out things, I want to add or replace
functions or modules in it.  What I want to do is:

    >>> import spam
    >>> def parrot(x):
    ...     print
    >>> parrot(17)
    Traceback (innermost last):
      File "", line 311 in viking
        t = lognship(17)
    NameError: lognship

    # Oh, I misspelled longship
    >>> set_current_module(spam)
    >>> def viking(i):
    ...     t = longship(17)
    ...     return t+i
    >>> set_current_module(__main__)
    >>> parrot(17)

Of course, I need to change the file too, but for
experimentation it would be convenient to be able to do something
like that.

Thomas Bellman,   Lysator Computer Club,   Linköping University,  Sweden
"Adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit"       ! bellman @
          (From The Mythical Man-Month)       ! Make Love -- Nicht Wahr!

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