Request for Python editor modes

David Porter jcm at
Wed Oct 4 17:43:04 EDT 2000

* Andrew Kuchling <akuchlin at>:
> I'd like to get instructions for more editors.  If you use something
> that isn't on the above list -- KDevelop or Scintilla/SciTE or
> whatever, please follow up to this posting, or e-mail me privately,
> and describe the instructions for configuring your editor for Python
> code.  (IMHO it's worth listing editors in the HOWTO even if there's
> no special configuration required for editing Python code, as with jed
> for example, since then people can use the HOWTO to find editors that
> support Python.)

Here is a step-by-step configuration of NEdit.  

NEdit (the Nirvana Editor) is a multi-purpose text editor for the X Window
System available at <>. It comes with a Python mode that
supports syntax hightlighting, automatic indention and smart indention. A
small amount of configuration is required to get them functioning properly
(i.e., like python-mode in Emacs).

1. Enable syntax highlighting:

 Preferences -> Default Settings -> Syntax Highlighting -> on

2. Make the Python defaults sensible:

 Preferences -> Default Settings -> Language Modes...

 Select Python from the list.

 a. Enable emulated tabstops and set it to 4 spaces:

    Enter 4 for Alternative emulated tab spacing.

 b. Enable smart auto-indent:

    Select "Smart-indent"

    This enables Smart indentiion of your code (i.e., NEdit does the
    indention for you). If you prefer automatic indention (i.e, NEdit
    retains your current indention level), then leave the default.

3. Fix tab behaviour:

 Preferences -> Default Settings -> Tabs...

 Deselect "Use tab characters in padding and emulated tabs".

 Note: If this is not deselected, every other level of indent will use
 a tab. It is safer for each level of indent to use four spaces.

Now save changes.

 Preferences -> Save Defaults...

 Restart NEdit for changes to take effect.


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