In a quaint little shiop in Florida I found ......

Sue esusie at
Thu Oct 5 20:56:01 EDT 2000

 The new extraordinary product CORIUM 21 is now available. 
In a quaint old shop in Florida, I found the most wonderful moisturizing skin cream, Corium 
Reaching an amazing seven layers deep, the pure aloe vera in Corium 21 softens your skin, 
dilates the tiny capillaries to increase circulation which 
carries away toxins) and stimulates and repairs your skin at the cellular level. Corium 21 
penetrates so quickly and deeply into the skin that it cannot 
be washed off. 
Science has yet to account for all of the healing properties of Aloe, however, our satisfied 
customers have reported that they have dramatically 
mproved conditions such as, rashes, acne, burns, arthritis, ringworm, abrasions, cuts, 
eczema, itching, sunburns, canker sores, boils, fever blisters, 
hives, and many more with the use of Corium 21. 

Cleopatra attributed her irresistable charms and beauty to the use of aloe vera.  Try Corium 
21 Moisturizing and Healing Crème with the most potent 
aloe vera in the world and never have dry skin again.  Your satisfaction is guaranteed. 

Visit our website now to get more information and your free report 
on "How To Have Healthy Skin."    


e BeautyWatch, Corp. 
Sue Neaman, President 

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