Documentation links busted: known problem?

Mats Wichmann mats at
Tue Oct 10 17:25:35 EDT 2000

Is it a known problem that the 2.0 documentation is broken?  The
generated html is missing the NAME tags for all sections, so that the
top-of-page contents have noplace to jump to.

To get real specific, I'm just looking at tut/node6.html.

At the top:


<LI><A NAME="tex2html261"
  HREF="node6.html#SECTION006100000000000000000">4.1 <tt
class="keyword">if</tt> Statements </A>
<LI><A NAME="tex2html262"
  HREF="node6.html#SECTION006200000000000000000">4.2 <tt
class="keyword">for</tt> Statements </A>
<LI><A NAME="tex2html263"
  HREF="node6.html#SECTION006300000000000000000">4.3 The <tt
class="function">range()</tt> Function </A>

and so on....

But Sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 begin like this:

4.1 <tt class="keyword">if</tt> Statements 


4.2 <tt class="keyword">for</tt> Statements 


4.3 The <tt class="function">range()</tt> Function 

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