CPython vs. Jython/JPython

D-Man dsh8290 at rit.edu
Mon Oct 30 09:52:31 EST 2000

BTW,  I posted my other message before I saw the rest of the replies at the bottom of the folder :-)

> > Personally, I can't think of any advantages of having the reference
> > implementation in Java which Python doesn't already have.
> I agree. Indeed Java is not the second coming of Jesus. Please
> do not treat it this way.

I'm not treating it that way any more than calling a python script portable does.  Python claims the same portability that Sun claims of Java.  I have heard of a few problems Java had in being portable,  but the goal is there and will hopefully be reached in the near future.  Java is nicer than C in some respects,  but doesn't provide the low-level access needed for system programming/device drivers.


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