CPython vs. Jython/JPython

Courageous jkraska1 at san.rr.com
Mon Oct 30 01:48:32 EST 2000

>         It will still be *many* times slower than CPython due to the
> overhead of JNI.

I'm not sure if I follow; IIRC, the JNI is faster than CPython's
native dispatch.

> If Python was written in Java, I highly doubt we would *ever* have seen the
> wonderful Stackless implementation come about.

You wouldn't be able to do a proper stackless environment in Java
without Sun's cooperation, because true stacklessness would require
alterations to the JVM.

> Personally, I can't think of any advantages of having the reference
> implementation in Java which Python doesn't already have.

I agree. Indeed Java is not the second coming of Jesus. Please
do not treat it this way.


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