Is Python any good with MySQL?

Keith MacDonald keith at
Mon Nov 6 15:21:19 EST 2000


Thanks for the suggestions.

The problem is that the link command includes "/EXPORT:init_mysqlmodule",
but I can't figure out where that code is emitted.  It does not seem to have
anything to do with the files that are part of the MySQLdb distribution.

This is really the essence of the problem.  Python has an enthusiastic
following, who presumably know it inside out, but it just keeps throwing up
hurdles at newcomers.  There are various ways of judging success, but in
this context, Python will only be really successful if new users can just
pick it up and run with it.  For most people, real life pressures preclude
immersing yourself in each new technology that comes along.  I'm prepared to
devote time to learning Python on the job, as long as I'm learning to use it
to solve my problems, not wasting time making it work at all.

- Keith

"Skip Montanaro" <skip at> wrote in message
news:mailman.973533402.9045.python-list at
>     > Before I give in and go back to Perl, would anyone care to reassure
>     > that Python really is suitable for web site development with MySQL,
>     > and point me at some documentation which will help me get started?
> Not sure who the original poster was, as I came in late.  I use MySQLdb
> heavily from Python (on Linux).  As for the link error on Windows:
>     LINK : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol init_mysqlmodule
> the initialization function defined in _mysqlmodule.c is named
> not "init_mysqlmodule", at least in v. 0.2.2.  I'm not using 0.3 yet.  You
> might try renaming it.  Also, you might try replacing the "void" return
> of init_mysql with "DL_EXPORT(void)" (see Modules/regexmodule.c for an
> example).
> --
> Skip Montanaro (skip at

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