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Rodrigo Senra rodsenra at correionet.com.br
Fri Nov 17 15:27:09 EST 2000

softwareuwantdotcom at my-deja.com wrote:
> Why beat around for days, when you can buy the program or code you
> want. Besides, don't you just hate getting flamed for asking pro's to
> do your homework for you :)

There is nothing wrong with the idea of seeling software. I guess almost
all of us do it in order to survive.

However, the idea of selling to software developers the software they
were supposed to develop themselves sounds disturbing to me.

It might allow the introduction of a new profession in our already
very competitive midst: The middle-man of SW providing. It will be
the guy who knows little of coding but a lot of web-searching.

I don't even know if this is good or bad from the perpective
of job opportunities. If this catches on,
probably all of us will probably end up working for a
softwareuwantdotcom-like-company instead of our current employers.

For mankind this is terribly bad, because we are trading
something spontaneously based on goodwill for a 
profitable business.


Rodrigo Senra         
Computer Engineer   (GPr Sistemas Ltda)  rodsenra at correionet.com.br 
MSc Student of Reflection (IC- UNICAMP) Rodrigo.Senra at ic.unicamp.br
http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~921234 (see also   http://www.gpr.com.br)

Rodrigo Senra         
Computer Engineer   (GPr Sistemas Ltda)  rodsenra at correionet.com.br 
MSc Student of Reflection (IC- UNICAMP) Rodrigo.Senra at ic.unicamp.br
http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~921234 (see also   http://www.gpr.com.br)

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