new-b: Hide command window in wx?

1_quest_man at 1_quest_man at
Fri Nov 10 13:01:26 EST 2000

I am writting a little utility using wxPython.  I can't seem to find a
way to start the app without an adjacent command window.  Even the demo
has it, so I fear that it is not possible.  Is this true.  If so would
it be possible to have the command window minimize itself while the
main app window runs normal. (Ah! now you know I'm in Win shhh...:).
Any way, I see that the Python IDLE is written with TKinter and it
doesn't show an adjacent command window.  Should I look into Tk instead
for something like this?  Thanks for any advice.


PS.  I hope this is not a double post.

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