P*rl in Latin, whither Python?

Suchandra Thapa ssthapa at harper.uchicago.edu
Fri Nov 10 22:22:28 EST 2000

Olivier Dagenais <olivierS.dagenaisP at canadaA.comM> wrote:
>This is *insane*!  What really did it for me was "Numeric literals in
>Perligata are rendered by Roman numerals".
>I've always wanted to learn latin, but the context of Perl doesn't sound
>like a good starting point.
>This-has-to-be-an-April-fool's-joke-ly y'rs,

    It's not, the guy who wrote it Damien Conway even got funded by
the perl community for the next year so he could work full time on 
perl and do more things like this.  
    Actually the thing I'm curious about is how authentic it is.  Does
perligata follow latin's substitution of i, and v for j and u respectively,
not allowing  k since roman's didn't have j, u, w, or k in their alphabet? Also
whether verbs are properly conjugated or nouns declined (verbs have ~60-70 
forms, the one used depends on the subject, the tense, whether the verb is 
active or passive, and there are 6 conjugations, each differing; nouns are 
similar although they only have ~12-14 forms depending on whether they are
singular or plural and how they are being used, also there are 5 declensions
each with different forms).  

Suchandra Thapa             | "There are only two kinds of math books. 
s-thapaNO at SPAMuchicago.edu  | Those you cannot read beyond the first 
			    | sentence, and those you cannot read 
			    | beyond the first page."
			    |                       -C.N. Yang

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