load a web page and save source as text

David Allen s2mdalle at titan.vcu.edu
Sat May 6 22:53:03 EDT 2000

In article
<478201EBFBB5F6AD.F52C1F134DC64CE2.190F3DA75E7EBCE3 at lp.airnews.net>,
"technology" <technology at mylinuxisp.com> wrote:
> From python I want to be able to request a web age and save the source
> as text. do I import a html module?
> what is the syntax to send a html request and and then assign results to
> variable. I then would write the variable to a file correct?

Check out urllib if you actually want to grab a URL quickly and easily.

But with regard to the HTML request, it's actually an HTTP request, 
and you would normally send:

GET filename.html\r\n

and then listen for output from the server.
David Allen
Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the 
peoples' liberty's teeth. 
	-- George Washington

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