Gnuplot woes.

Jacek Generowicz jmg at
Fri May 19 17:03:38 EDT 2000

The following program:

import Gnuplot
import string

g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot()
g('set data style lines')

command = ''
while string.lstrip(string.rstrip(command)) !=

    g.plot( [[1,1],[2,2],[3,3],[4,4]] )
    command = raw_input('plot> ')
    g.hardcopy( '' )

gives output like this:

gnuplot> plot '/usr/tmp/@32453.1' notitle
         can't read data file "/usr/tmp/@32453.1"
         line 0: (No such file or directory)

gnuplot> plot '/usr/tmp/@32453.2' notitle
         can't read data file "/usr/tmp/@32453.2"
         line 0: (No such file or directory)

In the minimal program shown above, the problem
can be removed by moving the g.plot() command to
just before the g.hardcopy() command . . . but in
more complicated programs even this fails.

I would welcome any advice,


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