Python equivalent to Perl's warn/confess/die

greg Landrum greglandrum at
Wed May 24 10:30:10 EDT 2000

Andy Lester wrote:
> I looked in the Perl/Python phrasebook and didn't see anything that
> discusses an easy way to write warnings to the screen.
> For instance, in Perl if I wanted to write something to stderr to show
> where in my process I am, I'd say:
>   warn "$n records read";
> Now, I know I can say
>   sys.stderr.write( '%s records read' % n )
> But is there a module somewhere that encapsulates that so I don't
> explicitly send it to stderr?

You could write your own.  Put this in a file called which lives
somewhere in your PYTHONPATH:
import sys

__warningDest = sys.stderr

def warn(msg):
    __warningDest.write(msg + '\n')

then you can do:
from warn import warn
warn('beware the Jabberwock')



greg Landrum (greglandrum at
Software Carpenter/Computational Chemist

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