hungarian notation is evil (was Re: Do I always have to write "self." ?)

Grant Edwards ge at nowhere.none
Thu May 18 11:18:02 EDT 2000

In article <5e27ryA9s9I5EwLG at>, Francis Glassborow wrote:

>>>  Not being able to read the code of a competent programmer
>>>  probably indicates your own level of inadequacy.

Being able to restrict oneself to dealing with the output of
competent programmers is a luxury that many people do not have.

>However if I have a piece of code that is written by someone
>whose expertise I respect and I cannot understand it then my
>first question is about my own competency. 

Sure.  But when trying to read the code of less-than-competent
programmers I find that I have a much easier time with
languages like Python and Modula-3 than I do with C++ and Perl.

>There is a phenomenal amount of badly written code in any
>language that gains any degree of popularity. 

True.  But in my expierience I think it is usually easier to
figure out what a badly written piece of Python code actually
does is generally easier than a badly written piece of C++
code. This is probably due mostly to the fact that C++ is a far
more complex language, and therefore I don't know some of it as
well as I do Python.

Figuring out what the code was _supposed_ to do is another
question entirely...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Make me look like
                                  at               LINDA RONSTADT again!!

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