Case-sensitivity: why -- or why not? (was Re: Damnation!)

Tim Peters tim_one at
Fri May 26 01:27:07 EDT 2000

[Les Schaffer, possibly not in favor of case-insensitivity]
> ...
> i can only venture a guess as to why things are headed this
> way. Everyone who codes smells money, IPO money. So they figure if
> they can twiddle their language to meet the masses, the unwashed
> masses who can't learn case-sensitivity, OR SO THE EXPERTS TELL US,
> then there is a fortune to be made.
> Absurd notion, right?
> But consider this, if python weren't suddenly (maybe thats the wrong
> word) emerging as an excellent scripting language at a time when IPO
> mania was at its peak (well maybe slightly post peak now), would we be
> having these "in-depth" discussions about the optimization of the
> langauge via case-insensivity based on towering arguments like 1. and
> 2. above?
> Anyway, tahts as absurd as i can get. i just can't think of any other
> reason why the language and newsgroup has to waste its time with a
> discussion on case-sensitivity.

Les, Guido has been talking about this for *years*.  I don't know why
never noticed before, but it was an old topic long before this thread began.
Over most of that period of time, Guido has been employed by the non-profit
CNRI; it's unclear even to me what his job there actually is, but it appears
to be writing DARPA grant proposals <0.9 wink>, and AFAIK not even the
Clinton administration is funding a National Case Insensitivity Initiative.

I think the evidence that making Python case-insensitive will actually help
anyone is extraordinarily weak, but note that Guido hasn't *done* anything
about this for years either.  The Alice project thought it important enough
that they actually changed their version of Python to ignore case, and in a
world of weary Usenet debates (i.e., lots of talk, lots of froth, no
consensus), that spoke very loudly to Guido.

He'll do what he thinks best.  I may have to punch him in the throat to get
his attention on this one, but violence before its time is

ideas-are-not-crimes-ly y'rs  - tim

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